Questions? – If you have any questions about the WRJ Pacific District, please fill out and submit the form below or email our Corresponding Secretary, Aime Friedman, at [email protected] Amy will direct your question to the appropriate WRJ Pacific District Board member for response.
Chai Line Submissions – We welcome submissions from our Pacific District sisterhoods for Tuesday Chai Line Newsletter.
For the Chai Line, please fill out and submit the form below or email your articles, pictures and/or flyers to our VP, Marketing & Communications, Naomi Estrada, at [email protected].
For the Chai Line, please fill out and submit the form below or email your articles, pictures and/or flyers to our VP, Marketing & Communications, Naomi Estrada, at [email protected].
Calendar Submissions – We welcome submissions from our Pacific District sisterhoods for our calendar.
For the calendar section, you may submit upcoming programs that would be appropriate for you to attend and for you to invite other sisterhoods to attend. These might include a sisterhood Shabbat, a special speaker, or All Sisterhood Day. Send us the program title, short summary, sisterhood name and city, and contact name and email address. Do not send in your normal sisterhood programming - only those special events that are open to other sisterhoods.
Submit your events through the Calendar Form or email the communications team at [email protected].
For the calendar section, you may submit upcoming programs that would be appropriate for you to attend and for you to invite other sisterhoods to attend. These might include a sisterhood Shabbat, a special speaker, or All Sisterhood Day. Send us the program title, short summary, sisterhood name and city, and contact name and email address. Do not send in your normal sisterhood programming - only those special events that are open to other sisterhoods.
Submit your events through the Calendar Form or email the communications team at [email protected].
To contact our Web Admin, Julia Weinstein, email her at [email protected]. Please be sure to put WEBSITE in your subject line.