YES Fund Tea
Have you ever considered doing an event to help raise monies for the YES Fund? There are many, many ways to do this! However, here is what seven sisterhoods in Southern CA have done the past two years. Each has been an amazing event, with over 100 women in attendance.
The YES Fund Tea committee consisted of women representing seven sisterhoods who have helped plan and implement this Tea. We sent out invitations to each sisterhood separately, who then sent out these invitations to their sisterhood members. The cost of the tea is only $5.00. Members of the committee have shared the tasks of the day. We asked each sisterhood to donate at least one article from their gift shop, which we then raffled off. The food was donated by the committee and each year we have asked a HUC woman rabbinic student to come and speak to how WRJ YES Fund has helped her reach her dream. We also have some entertainment. Food consists of tea sandwiches, scones and toppings, fresh fruit, dried fruit, desserts, various teas and more! Each woman is asked to bring her favorite teacup (and teapot if they would like). One year instead we had an ice cream social.
The YES Fund presentation is done by a WRJ PD executive committee member or past Pacific District president. We have had an overly positive response to this event, raising thousands and thousands of dollars. The event is rotated from temple to temple. What a fun afternoon and what a great way to help the YES Fund.
If you would like more information on how you, too, can hold such a great event, please let us know and we will be more than happy to help you hold your own YES Fund event!
Click on the Contact Us button on the menu bar to get in touch.
Sheri Carruthers, past WRJ PDVice President