Sisterhood Board Job Descriptions

As you are beginning a new sisterhood year, you may be working to define your board job descriptions. Sisterhood of Temple Sholom in Vancouver, B.C. has shared their job description manual with us (for which they won a Kavod Award). Look this over and use them to either revise or write your own descriptions for your board. Everyone will do a better job if they have a job description. Involve your board in revising and getting their input. This is a great exercise to begin the new year and can also be done at a sisterhood retreat. Please let us know if you need some help or have questions.
1. Sisterhood Board Job Descriptions – (in word)
2. Sisterhood Board Job Descriptions – (in pdf)
1. Sisterhood Board Job Descriptions – (in word)
2. Sisterhood Board Job Descriptions – (in pdf)
Sisterhood Board Training Manual
It is also helpful for sisterhood board training to have a list or outline of the items you wish to review with board members so that you cover as much as possible. Sisterhood of Temple Sholom, Vancouver, BC, prepared a Board Training Manual (for which they also won a Kavod award) listing all the subjects which were pertinent to its activities. Again, you can use this as a guide in preparing your own checklist.
1. Sisterhood Board Training Manual – word
2. Sisterhood Board Training Manual – pdf
1. Sisterhood Board Training Manual – word
2. Sisterhood Board Training Manual – pdf