A Message From Pacific District President, Carol Schuster
Welcome to the WRJ Pacific District website! I am Carol Schuster, from the Sisterhood of Temple B’nai Torah in Bellevue, WA, and I am honored to serve as your WRJ Pacific District President for the 2023-2026 term. Please enjoy finding information on our website about the WRJ Pacific District and Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), as well as resources on programming, fundraising, membership, and a wide variety of sisterhood activities.
The WRJ Pacific District is your liaison between Women of Reform Judaism and the local sisterhoods and women’s groups we serve. We also connect our sisterhoods and their members to each other. Currently, our widespread and geographically diverse district consists of 54 sisterhoods and if you live in the 13 U.S. states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Western Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming or the 2 Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, you live in the WRJ Pacific District. The WRJ Pacific District is one of seven districts of Women of Reform Judaism which is active in North America, Israel, and around the world.
Our WRJ Pacific District website is a great reference place to learn all about us. We have a lot of information and events posted here, so feel free to explore all of the tabs and check back frequently to keep up to date. We are completely volunteer run, with a full slate of elected officers and many volunteer chairpeople and committee members. We always welcome more volunteers in the WRJ Pacific District. Please read all about how you can become more engaged with us as you explore the website.
Please consider signing up for a free subscription to the Chai Line, our newsletter that comes out on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month and please plan to join our monthly WRJ Pacific District Zoom programs, and attend WRJ Pacific District, WRJ, and local area events. The WRJ Pacific District provides ongoing training, support, and hands-on assistance for our sisterhoods. Our Area Directors are always happy to give you additional information and our Executive Committee works hard to provide you with ways to connect with the 3Ss of Sisterhood, Spirituality, and Social Justice. Stronger together and stronger than ever, our WRJ Pacific District offers meaningful opportunities to contribute and feel a sense of belonging as we do the work of Women of Reform Judaism and our WRJ Pacific District. I hope you will enjoy perusing our website and will learn something more about the work that we do. Then, feel free to get in touch via our Contact Us page and thank you for visiting.
In Sisterhood,
The WRJ Pacific District is your liaison between Women of Reform Judaism and the local sisterhoods and women’s groups we serve. We also connect our sisterhoods and their members to each other. Currently, our widespread and geographically diverse district consists of 54 sisterhoods and if you live in the 13 U.S. states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Western Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming or the 2 Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, you live in the WRJ Pacific District. The WRJ Pacific District is one of seven districts of Women of Reform Judaism which is active in North America, Israel, and around the world.
Our WRJ Pacific District website is a great reference place to learn all about us. We have a lot of information and events posted here, so feel free to explore all of the tabs and check back frequently to keep up to date. We are completely volunteer run, with a full slate of elected officers and many volunteer chairpeople and committee members. We always welcome more volunteers in the WRJ Pacific District. Please read all about how you can become more engaged with us as you explore the website.
Please consider signing up for a free subscription to the Chai Line, our newsletter that comes out on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month and please plan to join our monthly WRJ Pacific District Zoom programs, and attend WRJ Pacific District, WRJ, and local area events. The WRJ Pacific District provides ongoing training, support, and hands-on assistance for our sisterhoods. Our Area Directors are always happy to give you additional information and our Executive Committee works hard to provide you with ways to connect with the 3Ss of Sisterhood, Spirituality, and Social Justice. Stronger together and stronger than ever, our WRJ Pacific District offers meaningful opportunities to contribute and feel a sense of belonging as we do the work of Women of Reform Judaism and our WRJ Pacific District. I hope you will enjoy perusing our website and will learn something more about the work that we do. Then, feel free to get in touch via our Contact Us page and thank you for visiting.
In Sisterhood,
Carol Schuster