2012 Eleanor Kretzer Kavod Award Winners
2012 Eleanor Kretzer Kavod Award for Public Relations
Pacific District Banner Project Honored
It started with a letter that was sent to the presidents of all the sisterhoods in the District requesting they submit a white fabric 7X7 inch square decorated to represent their sisterhood. These squares were then glued to a banner representing the WRJ Pacific District. Sheri Langer painted grapes and grape vines between and around the squares to unify the banner. The result is an extraordinary work of art that will be displayed at district conventions for years to come. It is the visual expression of our motto, "Stronger Together." For the dedication, artistic expression and unifying effect of such a display, the District Banner Project was awarded the 2012 Eleanor Kretzer Kavod Award for Public Relations. Congratulations to Sheri Langer and her committee, and to all of the wonderfully talented sisterhood artists who participated in the project. 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for Community Service
Tikkun Olam Gogos
The Sisterhood of Temple Sholom, Women of Reform Judaism of Vancouver, BC, Canada was awarded a 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for Community Service. In 2011, members of the sisterhood were involved in the formation of, and the sisterhood generously sponsored, a new group called the "Tikkun Olam GoGos". The Tikun Olam GoGos became part of the "Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign" that supports the work of the Stephen Lewis Foundation which fights the aids pandemic in Africa. An estimated 14 million children in Africa have been orphaned by AIDS. Grandmothers (gogos) bury their own children and then step into caring for the orphaned children left behind, most often with few resources. Our Tikkun Olam Gogos group, which is one of nearly 30 groups in British Columbia, meets monthly to discuss projects and work on the creation and sale of beautiful tote bags that have become the mainstay of our fundraising efforts. The members of the Tikkun Olam GoGos have sewn and sold over 300 originally designed, hand-made tote bags and donated the net proceeds of approximately $6,000 to the Stephen Lewis Foundation. Inside each bag the group places an article about the purpose and destination of the funds raised. The bags are sold at sisterhood events, by individual members of the group, and by merchants that have a relationship with members of the group. The Tikkun Olam GoGos also helped raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic in Africa and its consequences for children by organizing and selling tickets to an African themed dinner and presentation for 120 guests at the Temple. In addition, a sisterhood member participated in a walkathon and donated the over $5,000 raised to this cause. 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for Social Action
The Women of Temple Bat Yahm (“WTBY”) of Newport Beach, CA, was awarded the 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for Social Action for their “Tefilah, Tikkun Olam, Transcending Terror” programs. The Tefilah program was presented in May, 2011, the Tikkun Olam program was presented in March, 2012 and the Transcending Terror program was presented in October, 2012 (post application date). WTBY planned three educational programs to learn about issues facing women. We began the “Tradition” program two years ago with the “Tefilah” Women of the Wall event. We showed the video, “Praying In Her Own Voice”, made by the Women of the Wall project (Praying in her Own Voice) which was introduced by Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz. After the video, she led a discussion about the significance and history of the Women of the Wall. Following the discussion all the women donned Tallit and we opened the ark, took out the Torahs for a picture. The photo was sent to WRJ to be submitted to the Women of the Wall Program. (This event also had men in attendance) Our Tradition” program continued last season with “Tikkun Olam”. We presented “Recognizing the Crisis of Bullying in Today’s Society: A Panel of Experts”. The Bullying forum included Rabbi Zylberman as the first speaker on our panel. The Daily Pilot Newspaper covered this event as did the ABC local news. Other panelists included Meredith Balis, teacher in the Newport/ Mesa Unified School District; Erica Sperling, Newport Beach, Police Department; Kay Ostensen, Marriage and Family Therapist and Child Psychologist; Scott Beaver, High School Student who has bullied and was a victim of bullying; and Melissa Carr, J.D., Regional Director of the Orange County/Long Beach ADL. This year our program is entitled, “Is there Domestic Violence in the Jewish home?” and will be held 10/23/12. Supporting Materials: 1. Flyer for the March, 2012 Bullying Program. 2. Flyer for the October 23, 2012 Domestic Violence Program.
2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for Advancement of Judaism
The Sisterhood of Temple Sholom, Women of Reform Judaism of Vancouver, BC, Canada was awarded the 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for Advancement of Judaism for their Sisterhood Choir, led by Choir Director, Joyce Cherry, and the original compositions for the choir by Joan Beckow, the choir composer and arranger. Annually, in the spring, a group of approximately 18 – 25 sisterhood members come together under the direction of the choir director. A call for interested individuals to join the Sisterhood choir appears in the Temple bulletin during the months prior to the start of rehearsals. There is no audition required, just a willingness to commit to eight weeks of rehearsal time and to share their talents in enhancing the Sisterhood service. The choir membership changes from year to year but they always come together as a very cohesive and welcoming group. There is a choir director, and two administrators. One administrator organizes practices and the other organizes the choir music books. The choir is especially blessed with its own composer and arranger in residence, and it sings many of her original compositions, which are designed especially for the choir. The choir’s favorite compositions by Joan Beckow were recorded and placed on YouTube. You may listen to choir rehearsals singing original compositions by Joan Beckow at: Oseh Shalom http://youtu.be/QldkI9HxF7o Tov Lhodot http://youtu.be/TNgGHvx6XNc Peaceful River http://youtu.be/9VUAuFJiKg0 May the Words http://youtu.be/35bzi4lGldI Any other sisterhood choir interested in obtaining sheet music for these beautiful compositions, may contact the Sisterhood of Temple Sholom at [email protected] 2012 Eleanor Kretzer Kavod Award for Programming
![]() WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood (BIS) of Portland, Oregon was honored with a 2012 Eleanor Kretzer Kavod Award for Programming for their Klezmer Brunch.
The Klezmer Brunch was a wonderful Sunday morning brunch featuring great klezmer music. The program began with a discussion of the roots of klezmer music, leading into a klezmer band performance. Sisterhood members cooked together in the kitchen to make the kugels and blintzes and also donated baked goods. This event was open to synagogue members as well as the general public. Besides music and food, they also wanted to explain what klezmer music was, since the event would be open to the entire community, and also to visitors in town for the Jazz Festival. It is very significant that Beth Israel Sisterhood partnered with the Portland Jazz Festival. They capitalized on the Jazz Festival theme: Bridges & Boundaries: Jewish & African Americans Playing Jazz Together. They felt by offering this program they could open the cultural boundaries through a shared love of music and food. The sisterhood invited the community in to learn, share, and enjoy music together, and more specifically, to enjoy this program with the African American community. The sisterhood president welcomed everyone, and talked about the theme of the Jazz Festival and how it presented an opportunity for us to hold this event. She gave a short history of our 93 year old sisterhood and our historic congregation. Cantor Ida Rae Cahana volunteered to sing some songs and also talked about what klezmer music is and its roots. This began the morning. Afterwards, Klezmocracy, a Portland klezmer band, began playing. A visiting cantor in the audience came up and started singing with the band, and people began dancing and clapping, thoroughly enjoying themselves. BIS wanted to involve as many women as possible in a variety of ways and one way was to have women cook together and then serve the dishes immediately at a sisterhood function. This may seem like a commonplace outcome, but because of a recently changed temple kitchen policy, these women had not had that experience before. There were women who volunteered who had never volunteered before, so BIS was very pleased. Everyone in attendance received copies of the recipes used, which were from Portland P'Nosh, the sisterhood's cookbook. Cookbooks were also sold at the event. The organizers knew they had a success when they had to turn people away, when some overflow people were happy to just sit and listen, when participants started dancing between the tables, and when many asked them to do this event again next year. |
2012 Kavod Award for One Time Fundraiser

The Temple Beth Ami Sisterhood of Santa Clarita, California was awarded the 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for its One Time Fundraiser for its Spa Day held on March 27, 2011 and January 15, 2012. As a result of its success, “Spa Day” has become an annual one-day fundraiser for the sisterhood.
Its “Spa Day” took place at Santa Clarita’s well-recognized Balance Point Spa, which had elevator access to the second floor where the spa is located. The fundraiser raised $1,372 in 2011 and $1,425 in 2012, raising money for Temple Beth Ami’s Religious School Scholarship Fund. The fund makes it possible to help a family pay for a last year of Hebrew School while also preparing for a bar or bat mitzvah. During these financial hard-pressed times, these funds have proved to be essential to the family or families awarded a scholarship from the fund.
Approximately 42 women attended the 2012 Spa Day from 1-5 pm. Upon entering the spa, women paid a $10.00 entrance fee which included a free drink, bought raffle tickets (with purchase of 10 tickets@ $20 women received a free *hand paraffin treatment) and a variety of spa services offered at a fraction of the normal cost. Almost every woman that attended did actually make the above raffle ticket purchase in order to get the free hand paraffin treatment. Spa services included *hand paraffin and hand massage, 15 minute mini Swedish/custom back or foot massages ($15), Angel card reading or min-healing ($20), and mini-gelish manicures ($10).
The Spa Day flyer actually gave a full explanation about the entrance fee, raffle, spa services and vendors available so that each woman could chose and customize her own individual itinerary for her time spent from 1-5 p.m. While waiting for services that they signed up for they relaxed, socialized, enjoyed food and drinks and also shopped.
Its “Spa Day” took place at Santa Clarita’s well-recognized Balance Point Spa, which had elevator access to the second floor where the spa is located. The fundraiser raised $1,372 in 2011 and $1,425 in 2012, raising money for Temple Beth Ami’s Religious School Scholarship Fund. The fund makes it possible to help a family pay for a last year of Hebrew School while also preparing for a bar or bat mitzvah. During these financial hard-pressed times, these funds have proved to be essential to the family or families awarded a scholarship from the fund.
Approximately 42 women attended the 2012 Spa Day from 1-5 pm. Upon entering the spa, women paid a $10.00 entrance fee which included a free drink, bought raffle tickets (with purchase of 10 tickets@ $20 women received a free *hand paraffin treatment) and a variety of spa services offered at a fraction of the normal cost. Almost every woman that attended did actually make the above raffle ticket purchase in order to get the free hand paraffin treatment. Spa services included *hand paraffin and hand massage, 15 minute mini Swedish/custom back or foot massages ($15), Angel card reading or min-healing ($20), and mini-gelish manicures ($10).
The Spa Day flyer actually gave a full explanation about the entrance fee, raffle, spa services and vendors available so that each woman could chose and customize her own individual itinerary for her time spent from 1-5 p.m. While waiting for services that they signed up for they relaxed, socialized, enjoyed food and drinks and also shopped.
2012 Kavod Award for One Time Fundraiser

Kol Ami Women of Reform Judaism (“KAWRJ”) of Vancouver, WA were awarded the 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for One Time Fundraiser for their “Shower Our New Synagogue with Love: a Kitchen Shower”. The shower was presented on Saturday, August 11, 2012.
On August 19, 2012, Congregation Kol Ami walked their Torah from its Learning Center to its new Synagogue at 7800 NE 119th St. Vancouver, WA. This joyous and wonderful event marked the beginning of its future in its new home. September 6th was the official building dedication ceremony where it hung its mezzuzah and officially became a congregation with a home.
Kitchen Shower Project:
Purpose or goal – KAWRJ wished to stock the new Synagogue kitchen with needed supplies to be paid by donations.
Synopsis of Project: KAWRJ identified items needed to stock the new synagogue kitchen (janitorial, storage, knives, containers, linen, utensils) , purchased them, priced them at levels of $25, $36, $50, $65, $75, $100, $135 , $250 for items or bundles of items. Large appliances were identified and researched. Only the refrigerator was purchased in advance of the event (and sink was placed on order) because we knew we had to have these; other items (oven, range, dishwasher, freezer, outdoor grill) would not be purchased until there was money to do so. For these, we gathered pictures of the equipment not present, and printed a photo with the cost on. These items were available to purchase in full or part.
One cashier just concentrated on selling these, working with those who expressed interest in a general or specific donation to get appliances completely sold. In the end, 2 families purchased the refrigerator, 1 family purchased the oven, about 6 families made donations of various sizes towards the range. This was preferable to people gifting to 8 different appliances, but none of them being fully purchased.
Once items were gathered, we used different colors of tissue paper to decorate them. We also used the tissue to identify the price levels so we could readily set up the room with prices scattered in hopes that people might be tempted to bump UP their giving when they saw a package they wanted to give regardless of the price it was. (Ex: navy blue is $135, pink is $65, yellow is $25, etc). The tissue helped create a “wrapped gift” atmosphere like a shower. So did serving cakes that said “Mazel Tov” and “Congratulations”, having balloons and party favors.
To maximize attendance at the shower, the evening began with BBQ supper (no cost to attend). Because it was Saturday evening, havdallah transitioned between the supper social, and the shower sale and social. People could look over the available items throughout the evening, but cashiering only began after havdallah (so cashiers worked about 75 to 90 minutes.)
Outcome: $22,000 donated for 3-compartment sink, residential range, convection oven, refrigerator and pots, baking sheets, utensils, chafers, linen, trash cans, etc.
Project Involvement
30 members helped with baking, shopping, wrapping, transport, set-up shower and BBQ, cashier, clean-up, wash new items before use. Husbands assured we had grills on and propane onsite, as well as BBQ-ed. During the actual event, there were 4 cashiers, someone assisted rabbi with Havdallah, a few people helped to stock the bbq, so most of the KAWRJ people involved did so before or after the event, so they could enjoy it too.
Although we didn’t know how many people to expect to attend, we hoped for a more than 80 as a summer social and to have enough people to purchase a good part of the items. We knew that some items would not sell and we would continue to solicit these through monthly bulletin and/or blast email. At least 100 people of all ages attended.
On August 19, 2012, Congregation Kol Ami walked their Torah from its Learning Center to its new Synagogue at 7800 NE 119th St. Vancouver, WA. This joyous and wonderful event marked the beginning of its future in its new home. September 6th was the official building dedication ceremony where it hung its mezzuzah and officially became a congregation with a home.
Kitchen Shower Project:
Purpose or goal – KAWRJ wished to stock the new Synagogue kitchen with needed supplies to be paid by donations.
Synopsis of Project: KAWRJ identified items needed to stock the new synagogue kitchen (janitorial, storage, knives, containers, linen, utensils) , purchased them, priced them at levels of $25, $36, $50, $65, $75, $100, $135 , $250 for items or bundles of items. Large appliances were identified and researched. Only the refrigerator was purchased in advance of the event (and sink was placed on order) because we knew we had to have these; other items (oven, range, dishwasher, freezer, outdoor grill) would not be purchased until there was money to do so. For these, we gathered pictures of the equipment not present, and printed a photo with the cost on. These items were available to purchase in full or part.
One cashier just concentrated on selling these, working with those who expressed interest in a general or specific donation to get appliances completely sold. In the end, 2 families purchased the refrigerator, 1 family purchased the oven, about 6 families made donations of various sizes towards the range. This was preferable to people gifting to 8 different appliances, but none of them being fully purchased.
Once items were gathered, we used different colors of tissue paper to decorate them. We also used the tissue to identify the price levels so we could readily set up the room with prices scattered in hopes that people might be tempted to bump UP their giving when they saw a package they wanted to give regardless of the price it was. (Ex: navy blue is $135, pink is $65, yellow is $25, etc). The tissue helped create a “wrapped gift” atmosphere like a shower. So did serving cakes that said “Mazel Tov” and “Congratulations”, having balloons and party favors.
To maximize attendance at the shower, the evening began with BBQ supper (no cost to attend). Because it was Saturday evening, havdallah transitioned between the supper social, and the shower sale and social. People could look over the available items throughout the evening, but cashiering only began after havdallah (so cashiers worked about 75 to 90 minutes.)
Outcome: $22,000 donated for 3-compartment sink, residential range, convection oven, refrigerator and pots, baking sheets, utensils, chafers, linen, trash cans, etc.
Project Involvement
30 members helped with baking, shopping, wrapping, transport, set-up shower and BBQ, cashier, clean-up, wash new items before use. Husbands assured we had grills on and propane onsite, as well as BBQ-ed. During the actual event, there were 4 cashiers, someone assisted rabbi with Havdallah, a few people helped to stock the bbq, so most of the KAWRJ people involved did so before or after the event, so they could enjoy it too.
Although we didn’t know how many people to expect to attend, we hoped for a more than 80 as a summer social and to have enough people to purchase a good part of the items. We knew that some items would not sell and we would continue to solicit these through monthly bulletin and/or blast email. At least 100 people of all ages attended.
Kavod Award for Programming

The Beth Am Women of Congregation Beth Am, of Los Altos Hills, CA were awarded the 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for programming for their Creative Salon held on March 25, 2012.
This first-ever, one-of-a-kind all-day Creative Salon was designed to bring personal expression, imagination and fun to a whole new level. The goal was attract women other than “the regulars” by doing something different in a place that was different. The Creative Salon was held Sunday, March 25, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Hidden Villa’s Dana Center, Los Altos Hills, CA.
Summary - Attendees chose from over a dozen hands-on workshops designed to inspire women of all ages, interests and abilities. Creative projects ranged from poetry, art and drama to fashion, jewelry making, nature's inspiration and outside-the-box thinking games. The attendees had opportunities to express themselves, learn something new, follow their imaginations as they made new friends, discovere hidden talents and relax among the trees at a nature center tucked away in the hills.
Outcome – Attendees had a great time in community with each other. They met new women with shared creative interests and Beth Am Women increased awareness of and interest in its ongoing knitting, poetry and book groups. Most workshop leaders volunteered to teach again as did some attendee. Very high satisfaction ratings were received from participants with 95%+ rating excellent/good for the overall Creative Salon, the choice of workshop topics, the quality of workshops and leaders, the organization of the day's activities, and lunch options and quality.
Unique Location: We chose Hidden Villa, a beautiful, farm setting with multiple meeting rooms and a central gathering space that is accessible to those with disabilities. The advantage was it was very close to the temple (less than a 15 minute drive) yet felt very removed from everyone’s day-to-day life. It also enabled a session on the study and harvest of growing herbs to make several medicinal teas, which were sampled by all at lunch. However, the Creative Salon’s success was not dependent on the location.
Supporting materials:
Creative Salon Overview
Creative Salon schedule (final)
Session descriptions & leader biographies
Template to invite workshop leaders
Creative Salon promotional flier PR blurb - used or adapted for other promotional vehicles including:
Sisterhood newsletter announcements, temple bulletin, weekly
activity calendars, web site, etc.
Materials needed on the day of salon
Prayer for creativity
Additional information: Follow-up Materials sent to participants:
Zoomerang Survey
Herbal teas created – ingredients and medicinal value
Creativity quotes & opening session materials
This first-ever, one-of-a-kind all-day Creative Salon was designed to bring personal expression, imagination and fun to a whole new level. The goal was attract women other than “the regulars” by doing something different in a place that was different. The Creative Salon was held Sunday, March 25, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Hidden Villa’s Dana Center, Los Altos Hills, CA.
Summary - Attendees chose from over a dozen hands-on workshops designed to inspire women of all ages, interests and abilities. Creative projects ranged from poetry, art and drama to fashion, jewelry making, nature's inspiration and outside-the-box thinking games. The attendees had opportunities to express themselves, learn something new, follow their imaginations as they made new friends, discovere hidden talents and relax among the trees at a nature center tucked away in the hills.
Outcome – Attendees had a great time in community with each other. They met new women with shared creative interests and Beth Am Women increased awareness of and interest in its ongoing knitting, poetry and book groups. Most workshop leaders volunteered to teach again as did some attendee. Very high satisfaction ratings were received from participants with 95%+ rating excellent/good for the overall Creative Salon, the choice of workshop topics, the quality of workshops and leaders, the organization of the day's activities, and lunch options and quality.
Unique Location: We chose Hidden Villa, a beautiful, farm setting with multiple meeting rooms and a central gathering space that is accessible to those with disabilities. The advantage was it was very close to the temple (less than a 15 minute drive) yet felt very removed from everyone’s day-to-day life. It also enabled a session on the study and harvest of growing herbs to make several medicinal teas, which were sampled by all at lunch. However, the Creative Salon’s success was not dependent on the location.
Supporting materials:
Creative Salon Overview
Creative Salon schedule (final)
Session descriptions & leader biographies
Template to invite workshop leaders
Creative Salon promotional flier PR blurb - used or adapted for other promotional vehicles including:
Sisterhood newsletter announcements, temple bulletin, weekly
activity calendars, web site, etc.
Materials needed on the day of salon
Prayer for creativity
Additional information: Follow-up Materials sent to participants:
Zoomerang Survey
Herbal teas created – ingredients and medicinal value
Creativity quotes & opening session materials
Kavod Award for Community Service
Anti-Bullying Program
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood of Portland, Oregon was awarded the 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for Community Service for their anti-bullying program "Understanding our Kids' Social World: Friendships, Cliques & Power Plays". The event was presented on January 8, 2012.
The goal of this program was to offer help, discussion, and resources for families in dealing with the problem of bullying in our society. Intentional exclusion, gossip, the silent treatment, teasing and the spreading of rumors are often dismissed as normal rites of passage, but research shows these behaviors are a form of emotional bullying and they are as harmful as physical bullying - with devastating long-term effects. We learned more about relational aggression (the use of relationships to manipulate and hurt others) including the latest research findings, the nature of boys' and girls' friendships, cyber-bullying, as well as tips, tools, and resources to help empower children in their social world.
Synopsis: This program about our kids' social world was put together by the sisterhood's program committee in response to the very real problem of bullying, whether the actual physical abuse or emotional bullying. The program was aimed at parents or grandparents and was open to all congregants and members of the general community. Sisterhood partnered with the religious school to present this program. The religious school director was very enthusiastic about offering this type of community service to parents and sisterhood was able to engage and pay for the speaker.
The nationally acclaimed local author, Trudy Ludwig presented the problem with research and tips and resources in how-to deal with situations. There was a question and answer period at the end. Trudy's books were for sale and a list of resources was available to participants. Coffee and cake was offered afterwards.
Project Involvement: About 3-4 committee members planned the program and publicized it. About 30 people attended. The target group was the religious school parents and providing a service to them.
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood of Portland, Oregon was awarded the 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod Award for Community Service for their anti-bullying program "Understanding our Kids' Social World: Friendships, Cliques & Power Plays". The event was presented on January 8, 2012.
The goal of this program was to offer help, discussion, and resources for families in dealing with the problem of bullying in our society. Intentional exclusion, gossip, the silent treatment, teasing and the spreading of rumors are often dismissed as normal rites of passage, but research shows these behaviors are a form of emotional bullying and they are as harmful as physical bullying - with devastating long-term effects. We learned more about relational aggression (the use of relationships to manipulate and hurt others) including the latest research findings, the nature of boys' and girls' friendships, cyber-bullying, as well as tips, tools, and resources to help empower children in their social world.
Synopsis: This program about our kids' social world was put together by the sisterhood's program committee in response to the very real problem of bullying, whether the actual physical abuse or emotional bullying. The program was aimed at parents or grandparents and was open to all congregants and members of the general community. Sisterhood partnered with the religious school to present this program. The religious school director was very enthusiastic about offering this type of community service to parents and sisterhood was able to engage and pay for the speaker.
The nationally acclaimed local author, Trudy Ludwig presented the problem with research and tips and resources in how-to deal with situations. There was a question and answer period at the end. Trudy's books were for sale and a list of resources was available to participants. Coffee and cake was offered afterwards.
Project Involvement: About 3-4 committee members planned the program and publicized it. About 30 people attended. The target group was the religious school parents and providing a service to them.

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