Pacific District Frequently Asked Questions
The District serves as a link between its sisterhoods and its parent organization, Women of Reform Judaism. We are a Jewish women’s religious and service group. Our mission is to implement the programs and projects of Women of Reform Judaism and to provide leadership training while bringing the sisterhoods of the District into closer cooperation and association with each other. In addition, all board members are available to sisterhoods to participate in or lead installations, leadership training, or to be a featured speaker.
(See also History)
Who leads the Pacific District?
The Executive Board and the Board of Directors serve the District. The Exec Board includes: President, 1st Vice President, other vice presidents, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, and immediate past president.
The entire board is composed of the executive board, past district presidents, area directors, various committee chairs, and WRJ board members. The business of the District, between conventions, is entrusted to the Board, which meets at least three times during each 2-year period. (See also Structure, By-laws, and Policies and Procedures.)
What is an Area Director?
The area directors contact, connect with, support and visit the fifty-seven sisterhoods of the Pacific District. The role of the director is to build a relationship with the sisterhood presidents assigned to her and to get to know about each sisterhood. Area Directors are available just to chat, share concerns, be guests at board meetings, events such as Sisterhood Shabbats, installations or special programs and to assist in a myriad of ways.
Our Area Directors complete reports quarterly after speaking with sisterhood presidents or appointed contacts and after visits. This woman to woman contact makes it possible for us to know what is really happening in Pacific District and to meet the needs of our affiliated sisterhoods. (See also Officers & Area Directors)
What is the District Convention?
The Pacific District convention is now on a 3 year cycle. At the convention, members elect officers and board members, revise the bylaws, discuss and implement WRJ resolutions, and conduct leadership workshops.
What do the vice-presidents do?
Each vice-president has a portfolio that she works on during her term of office. The first vice-president oversees the three Area Vice Presidents and area directors, providing training and giving them ongoing support, and has oversight for the district convention.
The other vice-president portfolios are: Philanthropy; Action & Advocacy; Marketing & Communications; Membership, and WRJ projects. (See also VP & Departments)
What are the dues?
WRJ dues are $18/member and District dues are $2/member. (See also Dues Statement)
(See also History)
Who leads the Pacific District?
The Executive Board and the Board of Directors serve the District. The Exec Board includes: President, 1st Vice President, other vice presidents, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, and immediate past president.
The entire board is composed of the executive board, past district presidents, area directors, various committee chairs, and WRJ board members. The business of the District, between conventions, is entrusted to the Board, which meets at least three times during each 2-year period. (See also Structure, By-laws, and Policies and Procedures.)
What is an Area Director?
The area directors contact, connect with, support and visit the fifty-seven sisterhoods of the Pacific District. The role of the director is to build a relationship with the sisterhood presidents assigned to her and to get to know about each sisterhood. Area Directors are available just to chat, share concerns, be guests at board meetings, events such as Sisterhood Shabbats, installations or special programs and to assist in a myriad of ways.
Our Area Directors complete reports quarterly after speaking with sisterhood presidents or appointed contacts and after visits. This woman to woman contact makes it possible for us to know what is really happening in Pacific District and to meet the needs of our affiliated sisterhoods. (See also Officers & Area Directors)
What is the District Convention?
The Pacific District convention is now on a 3 year cycle. At the convention, members elect officers and board members, revise the bylaws, discuss and implement WRJ resolutions, and conduct leadership workshops.
What do the vice-presidents do?
Each vice-president has a portfolio that she works on during her term of office. The first vice-president oversees the three Area Vice Presidents and area directors, providing training and giving them ongoing support, and has oversight for the district convention.
The other vice-president portfolios are: Philanthropy; Action & Advocacy; Marketing & Communications; Membership, and WRJ projects. (See also VP & Departments)
What are the dues?
WRJ dues are $18/member and District dues are $2/member. (See also Dues Statement)