2020 Convention Saturday October 24 Schedule
(all times are PDT)
Links will be sent out to registrants before Pre-Convention Events and before Convention begins.
Also, look for them in the Chai Line and in Yammer.
Also, look for them in the Chai Line and in Yammer.
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Morning Meditation and Chair Yoga - Start your day the right way. This class is for all levels and no previous experience is necessary. Michelle Azar
9:00 am - 9:30 am
Welcome Chat Rooms with Breakouts - Begin the day with friends, new and old, in virtual meeting (Chat) rooms. The size of the rooms will be limited to allow you more opportunities to talk. Each room will have a facilitator to help keep the conversations flowing.
9:45 am - 10:45 am
Welcome to Convention - Convention kicks off with greetings from the Pacific District and WRJ, featuring special guest and Keynote Speaker Natalie Grumet on Being a Warrior.
10:45 am - 11:00 am
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Shabbat Morning Sessions:
Deborah: A Woman's Leadership: To Be Praised or Denounced? - Deborah is the only female judge in the early Iron age of Israel. We will look at how she is portrayed in the Bible and through the rabbis’ lens in midrash. Were women judged differently than men in the past? How about today? Rabbi Nancy Myers
Finding the Word in a D'Var Torah - A D'var Torah? What's that? Well, it's NOT a sermon!! It is a brief exploration of that ONE word in the Torah portion which you find interesting, compelling, or intriguing. Come learn about how to find that "word" and how NOT to be afraid of giving a D'var Torah. Dr. Madelyn Katz
Remind Me, Who Was Mrs. Noach? - The Essential (and Often Overlooked) Role of Women in Navigating Deep Waters and Storms. Rabbi Na'ama Dafni-Kellen
The Role of Tehom - The Primordial Female Presence. The story of Noah focuses on the male presence...on the surface! The Hebrew word for the deep floodwaters, tehom, shows up elsewhere and hints at an uninhibited and sometimes angry female energy. We'll explore what tehom evokes, how it's been understood and what it means for women today. Rabbi Molly Weisel
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Break/Chat Rooms/Lunch - Another wonderful chance to meet with friends, new and old.
12:45 pm - 2:00 pm
Plenary Session - Pacific District business will be conducted: updates on what is happening in the Pacific District and WRJ, approval of the Bylaws previously reviewed, election of new Pacific District officers and leaders, and announcement of the 2020 Eleanor Kretzer Kavod Award winners.
2:05 pm - 2:30 pm
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Workshop Block A:
Queen Bees and Wannabees: How to Take the Sting Out of Conflict - Learn how to deal with "difficult people" and listen to build allies and create a stronger organization. Nicole Villalpando
Don't Be Afraid of the Numbers: Sisterhood Finance - Whether you are the treasurer or a board member, you need to understand the financial workings of your sisterhood. We will talk about bookkeeping options, day-to-day management of finances, and show you how to generate income and expenses to reflect your mission statement. The goal is to help you feel empowered to build a strong financial foundation for your sisterhood. Lisa Singer
B'tzelem Elohim and Human Dignity: Hot Topics in Social Justice - In these turbulent times, anti-abortion lawmakers across the country continue to attack women's reproductive freedom. It is more important than ever for us to reaffirm the Jewish community's commitment to ensure all who need it have access to information and reproductive health care, especially those marginalized by racism and discrimination. What is the effect of the current pandemic on women, especially the victims of domestic violence, what are the challenges for survivors, and how are organizations shifting to meet current needs.
Becoming Mindful, Compassionate and a Positive Source for Good - This session will demonstrate how to use Mindfulness as a tool for being compassionate for yourself and for others and to become a positive, even, radical force for good. Lindie Henderson
Shalom: How Hospitality is a Psychological Necessity - Cultural tradition, divine law and the golden rule all rely on hospitality. Yet, in this culture of hostility, hospitality has been commercialized, dehumanized, and McDonaldized™. Informed by mythology, psychology and theology, Dr. Stacey Zackin looks through a Jewish lens at “The Psychology of Hospitality: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments” to lead an interactive program celebrating the role of hospitality in Jewish life and community building. Participants will leave with a better understanding of and stronger connection to hospitality and with their talents for being both a nurturing host and generous guest. Dr. Stacey Zackin
3:45 pm - 4:15 pm
Afternoon Chats:
Kavod Award Winners - This year's Kavod Award winners will present and discuss their programs. Facilitator: Peggy Martin, 2020 Kavod Award Chair
Continuing the Conversation About Racism - We are beginning the conversation in August by discussing Robin Di'Angelo's book White Fragility. Click here for more information about the August 20 book discussion. Now we will continue evaluating our perceptions about what we are doing to understand racism. Facilitator: Deb Lelchuk
General Chat Rooms - Open chat rooms with facilitators.
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Installation, Havdallah & Music - The Incoming Pacific District Board will be installed by our Past Pacific District Presidents and by Rabbi Mark Goldfarb. The Havallah Service will be led by Temple Beth Or Sisterhood.
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Dinner Break
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Evening Activities:
Treasure, Trivia, Talk - If you want to get up and away from your screen for a bit, join us in a fun and active treasure hunt interspersed with some intriguing trivia questions. It’ll be silly and crazy and you may even learn a bit as well. Stacy Nagel
Cozy Klatches - Remember how you go into a room with your sisters and talk? We’ll give you links to different rooms where you can meet with others from your sisterhood or new friends you’ve met to informally visit.
Continue the Conversation - Meet Keynote Speaker Natalie Grumet, Breast Cancer Survivor and Gun Violence Victim, and chat about breast cancer survival, gun violence and being a warrior. She’ll answer any lingering questions you may have after her keynote talk.
Click here for the Pre-Convention Schedule.
Click here for the Sunday 10/25 Convention Schedule.
Click here for the Post-Convention Schedule.
Remember, whenever discussing our upcoming convention on Yammer, Twitter, Facebook,
or other social media platform, be sure to tag your post with #WRJPD2020!
or other social media platform, be sure to tag your post with #WRJPD2020!